These searches are from our own records which get updated on about the 10th of each month for the preceding month. This allows submissions to Bellboard to be corrected up to that date.
If you get any error messages please report them to Roddy.
All searches allow you the option of Handbells or Towerbells or All.
All peals.
In a single year.
Totals of Ringers, Conductors, Locations, Methods, Years, Dates.
1 ringer.
2 ringers together.
3 ringers together.
4 ringers together.
A method.
A method and 1 ringer.
A method and 2 ringers.
A method and 3 ringers.
A location.
A location and 1 ringer.
A location and 2 ringers.
A location and 3 ringers.
A conductor.
A conductor and a ringer.
A conductor and 2 ringers.
A conductor and a method.
A conductor at a location.
As well as the peals officially recorded, a number of peals were rung which contained a majority of Society members but were not recorded for the Society. Click here to see them
Bellboard now has the facility to see which dates have not had a peal rung on them and which are most popular. Click here to see them
Peals rung by members on Bellboard.